A Day at Little Owls
"Play is the highest form of research" Albert Einstein
The First Hour:
The children are welcomed as they arrive and are given the opportunity to choose activities at the various learning centers. This self-directed play invites the children to explore, discover and learn independently with a wide variety of activities and materials. The learning centers include painting, play dough, blocks, puzzles, drawing, water or sand play, dress-up, dramatic areas, books, floor toys and more. Children bring their own water bottles.
Circle Time:
Following a clean up routine, the children meet on the carpet for Circle Time. A variety of activities are included which reflect the weekly theme such as nature, feelings and the world around us, as well as daily routines featuring topics such as the calendar and weather. The activities include stories, songs, puppetry, poems, music, movement and discussions and many other ideas to facilitate your child's learning journey.
Lunch Time:
Children wash their hands and join their friends for lunch. Lunch is to be provided by the family and we encourage children to bring a healthy lunch that consists of vegetables and fruit , whole grains and proteins. Please refer to https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/ for reference. ( No nuts/peanuts are allowed as our classroom is a nut/peanut free zone, due to allergies, we also ask that children do not bring candy/chocolate to school). Children can bring mini cupcakes for the whole class to celebrate their birthday. Please consult with the teachers first.
Story Time:
The teachers incorporate a five minute closing activity that includes reading a book.
Outdoor Playtime: